Your monetary donation will help NNN provide:
Pet owners with an affordable spay/neuter for the long-term health of their pets. Cat and dog rescues with affordable vaccine and sterilization services for before adoptions. Our homeless community cats with neuter/vaccination services. Cat transport program to under-served communities. Free vaccines and sterilizations for clients who quality at local pet food banks
NNN also accepts donations of laundry detergent, bleach, distilled water, paper towels and toilet tissue.
All clinics can use donations of sheets, towels and comforters.
Redners Receipts and Boyers scan tags help support NNN!
NNN no longer accepts aluminum cans and ink cartridges.
Donations can be dropped off at any clinic, during any open clinic day.
Thank you!
Donations by mail: NNN 1044 N Quebec St Allentown, PA 18109
You can also help NNN when you use services like E-Bay, Amazon, Etsy and more. Check out these other easy ways to help NNN.
Donate on-line using your credit card, debit card or PayPal account
Input the dollar amount you would like to donate and click 'Donate' to process your payment. Choose CREDIT / DEBIT CARD on the next screen or use your PayPal account.
NNN accepts donations by mail. Please direct your check to:
No Nonsense Neutering Attention: Martha Kahan
1044 N Quebec St
Allentown, Pa 18109
Donate in the name of a living pet or in loving memory of a pet that has passed away and we'll create a memorial web page on our site for your pet. Once you complete your donation through Pay Pal by selecting a donation button below, you will be sent to a page that has details on how to submit your pets bio and images to us for their page. Check out the pet memorials / dedication section of our website to view other memorials that have been created.
You can also make a donation in someone's name for special occasions like birthdays, Mother's Day, Father's Day and any other occasion. Once you complete your donation we can create a special dedication page in our pet memorials / dedication section to commemorate your contribution.
Once you've made your donation using the buttons below, you'll be directed to the Thank You page which will contain instructions on sending the details of your dedication so we can post it on our website.
If you've already made a donation and would like to submit your information and dedication details please view this page and follow the instructions on creating your dedication page.
We accept the following material donations:
Distilled Water
Pillow Cases
Bath towels
Newspapers (bundled please)
Laundry detergent
Cleaning Supplies
Windex, spray bottles, air freshener, toilet cleaner, hand sanitizer
Dish detergent
Paper Towels, Toilet Paper
Kitchen, and Contractor garbage bags
Wet and dry cat food
Office Supplies
Pens, Highlighters, Computer paper, Staples, Scotch Tape, Packaging Tape, Post-it Notes, Scissors
On-going fundraising efforts include:
Redner's receipts Use your rewards card and bring us the receipts. Find more information here:
Boyer's scan tags No receipts necessary. Just scan, scan, scan. Find more information here:
Recycle Print Cartridges Save your printer cartridges (laser and inkjet) and bring them by the clinic. Proceeds are used for office supplies.
Aluminum Cans Collection Soup and vegetable cans are not aluminum
Check out these other easy ways to help NNN
With GoodShop, you can support No Nonsense Neutering provide high quality, low cost services without spending any extra money! By taking advantage of Goodshop’s 100,000+ online deals, like Pottery Barn Kids coupons, 1800Flowers promos, and Shutterfly savings, you can save money, while supporting our cause.
eBay Giving Works is a program that enables members of the eBay community to donate to their favorite cause. Sellers can give a portion of the proceeds from their sales, buyers can add a donation to their purchase during checkout, and anyone with a PayPal account donate to nonprofits right away – without buying or selling anything. Better yet, eBay Giving Works makes it easy and cost effective for nonprofits to sell items in the world's largest online marketplace. Special features help nonprofit items stand out and, if the listing sells, eBay will credit back 100% of their insertion and final value fees.
More info about Giving Works:
NNNLV's Giving Works page:
Amazon Smile - Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same Amazon Prime benefits.
Support your charitable organization by starting your shopping at
More info about AmazonSmile:
PayPal Giving Fund provides various ways to help charitable organizations like No Nonsense Neutering. View more info about PayPal GIving Fund here.

Donations are also excepted via Venmo

PayPal Giving Fund provides various ways to help charitable organizations like No Nonsense Neutering.
More info about PayPal Giving Fund: